How to Win the Game of Life Insurance (Part 1)

In this 3-part blog “How to Win the Game of Life Insurance,” Byron Udell, Founder and CEO of AccuQuote, discusses the six little words you need to make buying life insurance less of a pain. This post is way overdue. The message of “how to win the game of life insurance” is too important to…
Reading IS Fundamental (For Success)

Want to know the quickest way to be a success in life? Start reading. Read. More. Books. Simple enough, right? I don’t mention books much in this blog because most of the books I enjoy and think are useful are not about life insurance. But make no mistake, I’m an avid reader. I usually have…
‘Tis the Season…for Buying Life Insurance

At the start of another new year, perhaps a good resolution would be buying life insurance. In January, we see a huge spike in interest and purchasing life insurance. Why? Well, one reason is because people have just finished a holiday season filled with family and loved ones. If there’s ever a reminder of what…
Obamacare and What it Means to America

If you take politics out of the equation, and analyze the new healthcare reforms introduced by President Obama, you can see that the idea is positive. Making health insurance affordable via Obamacare is a great first step. Obamacare, as the healthcare reforms have been come to be known, was at the center of much debate…
The Motley Fool is Right: You Need Life Insurance

The Motley Fool ain’t no dummy. People are living longer. The longer you live, the more you need life insurance. As Jason Hall adeptly points out in his piece on The Motley Fool, people are living longer these days. That’s good to know, because it means I’ll have many more days like Tuesday – my birthday – in…
Byron Udell Shares His Passion for Life Insurance

AccuQuote CEO Byron Udell talks passionately about why it’s so important to have life insurance. As I mentioned in a feature in the Chicago Tribune on April 7, “Nothing does what life insurance does – there’s no other product that can deliver millions of dollars for a few dollars a day…” That’s the beauty of life…
Give the Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift – Life Insurance

Giving the gift of life insurance is the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift. It expresses your love all year round. Valentine’s Day is over, but your love for those close to you never stops. The act of insuring your love (and making your loved one the beneficiary) may not be the most romantic gesture, but there’s no better…
A Little Life Insurance Humor

Life insurance…funny? Here’s a little life insurance humor to brighten your day. To commemorate Life Insurance Awareness Month this September, nothing works as well as life insurance awareness messages from our peers around the world through advertisements and stories we’ve collected from the World Wide Web. And to mark the start of a great week,…
60% of Americans Don’t Have Enough Home Insurance

Did you know that most Americans don’t have enough home insurance? It’s true. To find out why you want to be on the winning side, read on. According to Marshall & Swift/Boeckh, a leading provider of building replacement cost data, nearly two out of every three American homes, or 59 percent, are underinsured. The definition…
Auto Insurance Competitive Rates Driving Prices Down

Auto insurance competitive rates are coming down. Want to know why? Read on. Progressive Corporation, the country’s third largest car insurance company, sees a trend in the industry that is turning auto insurance into a buyer’s market. According to CEO Glenn Renwick the development of the online insurance market has provided consumers the means to…