AccuQuote agent Ed Katz has been in the industry for nearly two decades. He knows from personal experience that having life insurance is crucial to a living a life with less worries. To hear more, read on.
AccuQuote AE Policy Review Specialist Ed Katz has been in the insurance industry for over 17 years. His easygoing personality and policy expertise helps clients better understand the hundreds of insurance products available at AccuQuote. We recently sat down with Ed for a chat.
1) How long have you been with AccuQuote? Since August 2015.
2) What do you like best about your job? Knowing that I am financially protecting families and saving lives. Any loss of income is devastating. It affects everything. I love the peace of mind that being an agent gives me. I have an ability to take a complicated product (and process) and explaining it in language that’s easy for people to understand.
3) Why do you think life insurance is important? Because it saves families by giving them money when they need it most. No other product can do what life insurance can. Life insurance always does what you think it will do. No surprises or disappointments. It’s designed to give you cash while you’re living, protects your family financially, and upon your death, there will be a paycheck for your loved ones, so they can survive and continue to maintain the same standard of living they have been accustomed to. As we all know, the bills keep on coming regardless of any family tragedy or misfortune. There’s mortgage and rent, medical insurance deductible and co-pays, prescriptions, utilities, gasoline and so on. Life insurance can help fill some of those financial gaps.
4) What is your favorite quote? “No legacy is so rich as honesty” – William Shakespeare.
5) What does that quote mean to you? Someone once told me: “Honesty is speaking the truth about what one has done, but integrity is following through on what one said he or she would do.” I strongly believe that.
6) Could you explain that further? I think integrity should be based on moral principles. Integrity is about making good choices. Do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. And if you want to make sure what is the right thing to do, ask yourself these three questions: “How will this decision affect others?” “Am I considering how this will make others feel?” “Will I be proud to tell my parents and teachers that I did this?”
7) What music do you like to listen to? Steely Dan and Jazz.
To learn more about Ed Katz, watch this great video.