Purchasing a life insurance policy may be one of the most important decisions you make. You don’t want to pay more than you have to, but you don’t want to leave your family under-protected, either.
If you are looking for the best value in Missouri life insurance policies, AccuQuote can help you compare the prices, features and financial strength of dozens of products from the most trusted life insurance companies in the country. We’ve been doing this since 1986, and we’ve gotten pretty good at it.
Benefits of Missouri Life Insurance
The State Insurance Code of Missouri regulates the life insurance industry in the state. The code safeguards the interests of anyone purchasing a life insurance policy through provisions such as the speedy payment of death benefits. Life insurance companies are required to settle claims as soon as possible. Provided all the paperwork is in order, this should never be longer than 30 days.
Life insurance companies are protected by state regulations and have the right to challenge any information reported on the application for up to two years from the effective date of the policy. If there is any discrepancy, the policy can be immediately terminated, and you may face criminal charges or be subject to penalties.
Give AccuQuote a call today at 800-442-9899, and let us help you quickly and easily find the best life insurance rates without ever leaving your home or office. You can also request your free life insurance quote by clicking the button below.