The Motley Fool ain’t no dummy. People are living longer. The longer you live, the more you need life insurance.
As Jason Hall adeptly points out in his piece on The Motley Fool, people are living longer these days. That’s good to know, because it means I’ll have many more days like Tuesday – my birthday – in the coming years.
Jason’s more important point in his story, in which I was heavily quoted, is that “you probably don’t have enough life insurance – if you have any at all.” It’s refreshing to read a member of the media GET IT RIGHT. So many journalists get it dead wrong when it comes to life insurance! Case in point: A former AccuQuote employee who still keeps an eye on life insurance news sent me an article last night that was full of, in his words, garbage advice. After reading it, I couldn’t agree more – the whole article was totally off base! I’m not going to link to it because I’d be doing a major disservice to the readers of this blog, but let’s just say it appeared on a major site and was written and published by reputable sources. How do editors let this stuff see the light of day?
I realize I can’t expect to see in print that life insurance is the most amazing product ever invented (even though it is!), but it kills me to see writers and reporters completely miss the boat when it comes to telling important stories about life insurance. This is why I’m never too busy to talk to media – so I can help them write more articles like Jason’s TMF piece.
If you’d like more information on a life insurance policy or get life insurance quotes, talk to AccuQuote. We represent the top-rated, brand-name insurance companies you know and trust.
Check out 2 more Motley Fool articles that I contributed quotes to: “Read This Before You Retire” and “Baby Boomers: Face it. If You’re Not Rich Now, You’ll Never Be,” both written by Jason Hall.